Took Missy on a walk and Piper. Yes, I brought Piper, it was late, and getting dark, so it was that or one of them missing out on a walk. Now to the story. There was a couple with a baby in a stoller and a dog jogging. I went to a long driveway and had Missy sit. We were about 12 feet away. Missy did not lunge or bark, she just sat there. :) Then we ran into them a second time and did the same thing, this time Missy did struggle for her head once and I gently pulled up on her gentle leader and she settled down. Oh and Piper this whole time was standing still with a loose leash. YAY.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Can't Do It!!
Wow, I haven't posted here in a while. There has not been much training happening since Piper joined the family, because I'm having a hard time balancing out the two. Since Piper has been here about 3 months I have walked Missy and Piper together basically all the time. Today is the end of that.
Why? Well I'm at my col-de-sac and I see Koda(husky, Missy goes nuts over. If you are new please read the first post) So I immediately go for cover behind some huge bushes and some other tall plants, thinking I would be safe. HA to me because unexpectedly Koda appears Missy start barking up a storm attempting to lunge for her and Piper is trying to go say hi. Let's just say Missy is 35pds. medium sized dog and Piper is 45pounds 22inches. And than there is me 5'3 112pounds, so yes I struggle to keep Piper from dragging me. What is the point behind this story is that I will Not be walking the two together anymore. What happened today is not the only reason.
I need to focus on Missy's reactivity and I need to focus on Piper learning Not to drag me toward anything that interest her(Dogs, cats, deer, squirrel). Plus I really really don't want Piper picking up on Missy's bad habits. One day One day I will be able to walk them together by myself in the neighborhood again.
Why? Well I'm at my col-de-sac and I see Koda(husky, Missy goes nuts over. If you are new please read the first post) So I immediately go for cover behind some huge bushes and some other tall plants, thinking I would be safe. HA to me because unexpectedly Koda appears Missy start barking up a storm attempting to lunge for her and Piper is trying to go say hi. Let's just say Missy is 35pds. medium sized dog and Piper is 45pounds 22inches. And than there is me 5'3 112pounds, so yes I struggle to keep Piper from dragging me. What is the point behind this story is that I will Not be walking the two together anymore. What happened today is not the only reason.
I need to focus on Missy's reactivity and I need to focus on Piper learning Not to drag me toward anything that interest her(Dogs, cats, deer, squirrel). Plus I really really don't want Piper picking up on Missy's bad habits. One day One day I will be able to walk them together by myself in the neighborhood again.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Talk about stressful
I Survived!! What the heck did I survive you ask? Oh just running into not one but FOUR DOGS!! I mean come on really. Okay so here is what happened.
I was on my driveway about to leave for a walk with the dogs(Missy and puppy) when my little cousin(9) asks me if she and her little brother(7) could come. My first mistake was saying yes, second was walking at 6:00 which is when my neighbor Don walks Koda and my third mistake was not putting Missy in the house. Okay so we were walking back and everything was fine.
Missy was walking great and Puppy well was being a puppy and to my horror I see Koda. So I go down a small hill so that I'm against a pasture fence as far as I can get from Koda. I have Missy sit and I wrap her leash around my hand to prevent it from slipping and did the same with puppy. I told the kids to back off because 9 year old kept trying to pet Missy right than bad idea I think so. Anyway the kids wanted to pet Koda so I told them to go ask Don. While they were doing this I started walking away and to my utter surprise Missy did NOT yes I said Not react. And yes she did glance at Koda yes she just glanced at her!! This was the First Time Missy did not react to Koda when passing her on a walk. Why? Was it the kids being there? OR have I finally found where Missy is under threshold with Koda? I'm going with the 2nd option. Oh and you ask what was the puppy doing this whole time? She was trying to pull my arm off to go say hi to Koda. How rude am I for not allowing her to say Hi. Well I say to her you'll live.
Yes I did say four dogs so here it is. We're almost to my house and here comes my cousins three small dogs Princeton(2 year old Dachshund Pomeranian.) Copper(Same as Prince) and Mickey( 6 year old Dachshund mix) Oh and did I mention that Missy has NEVER EVER meet Mickey. Usually introductions to other dogs for her is done very slowly and Not with little kids and me holding onto another dog. There was no avoiding Missy meeting Mickey we were surrounded by dogs! I was so happy that Missy politely smelled Mickey though I was worried because she was slowly waging her tail, not her normal "I'm happy as heck" wag. After they all said hi I had to Drag the dogs back home. No worries they had on harnesses so they weren't being chocked. I did drag them because I really felt that it was a dangerous situation. Three unleashed dogs two leashed dogs, two young children, and one Very young adult(Me).
Yes you guys you are reading this which means yes, yes I did come out alive.... somehow.
Disclaimer, This will Never Ever happen again. Kids= Missy not walking with us. 6:00 means no puppy and no kids walk with me and Missy.
I was on my driveway about to leave for a walk with the dogs(Missy and puppy) when my little cousin(9) asks me if she and her little brother(7) could come. My first mistake was saying yes, second was walking at 6:00 which is when my neighbor Don walks Koda and my third mistake was not putting Missy in the house. Okay so we were walking back and everything was fine.
Missy was walking great and Puppy well was being a puppy and to my horror I see Koda. So I go down a small hill so that I'm against a pasture fence as far as I can get from Koda. I have Missy sit and I wrap her leash around my hand to prevent it from slipping and did the same with puppy. I told the kids to back off because 9 year old kept trying to pet Missy right than bad idea I think so. Anyway the kids wanted to pet Koda so I told them to go ask Don. While they were doing this I started walking away and to my utter surprise Missy did NOT yes I said Not react. And yes she did glance at Koda yes she just glanced at her!! This was the First Time Missy did not react to Koda when passing her on a walk. Why? Was it the kids being there? OR have I finally found where Missy is under threshold with Koda? I'm going with the 2nd option. Oh and you ask what was the puppy doing this whole time? She was trying to pull my arm off to go say hi to Koda. How rude am I for not allowing her to say Hi. Well I say to her you'll live.
Yes I did say four dogs so here it is. We're almost to my house and here comes my cousins three small dogs Princeton(2 year old Dachshund Pomeranian.) Copper(Same as Prince) and Mickey( 6 year old Dachshund mix) Oh and did I mention that Missy has NEVER EVER meet Mickey. Usually introductions to other dogs for her is done very slowly and Not with little kids and me holding onto another dog. There was no avoiding Missy meeting Mickey we were surrounded by dogs! I was so happy that Missy politely smelled Mickey though I was worried because she was slowly waging her tail, not her normal "I'm happy as heck" wag. After they all said hi I had to Drag the dogs back home. No worries they had on harnesses so they weren't being chocked. I did drag them because I really felt that it was a dangerous situation. Three unleashed dogs two leashed dogs, two young children, and one Very young adult(Me).
Yes you guys you are reading this which means yes, yes I did come out alive.... somehow.
Disclaimer, This will Never Ever happen again. Kids= Missy not walking with us. 6:00 means no puppy and no kids walk with me and Missy.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
It's been too long
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Okay so update on Sunday my brother and cousin found this puppy running around my cousins yard and since my cousins mom HATES big dogs she told him that she couldn't stay there. So the puppy is at my house while I'm looking for her owners. It is possible that the puppy may end up staying with me and my family if my parents say yes if not we will find her a very very good home for her. She is a American Bulldog/Boxer... and something else mix. She is about 20-30 pounds right now and will probably be 40-45 pounds full grown.
Okay so about Missy's reactivity nothing new really because we haven't been running into any dogs. But yesterday when I was walking Missy and the puppy, just my luck my neighbor was walking Koda( Yes Koda the dog Missy has the worst reaction too). They were in front of me so I turned around. And here I was with a puppy who I don't want picking up Missy's bad habits!! The puppy decided to torcher me by stopping in her tracks she would not budge. I was getting really scared because Koda just kept getting closer. Desperate to get away I picked up the puppy and used a high pitch voice to keep Missy's attention and keep her moving forward. I knew that to keep walking was a bad idea so I looked for a good driveway and went halfway down a fairly long one. I had Missy sit and just held on to the pups leash focusing my attention on Missy. I tried keeping her calm but she was over threshold apparently two car lengths from Koda is not far enough. And it didn't help that I had no treats. I was done for I held on to Missy's leash kept it really short and tried keeping her level down out of her scale of reactivity 1-10 it was a 6. I will not go walking at 6:00 in the evening again with both of the dogs.
Okay so about Missy's reactivity nothing new really because we haven't been running into any dogs. But yesterday when I was walking Missy and the puppy, just my luck my neighbor was walking Koda( Yes Koda the dog Missy has the worst reaction too). They were in front of me so I turned around. And here I was with a puppy who I don't want picking up Missy's bad habits!! The puppy decided to torcher me by stopping in her tracks she would not budge. I was getting really scared because Koda just kept getting closer. Desperate to get away I picked up the puppy and used a high pitch voice to keep Missy's attention and keep her moving forward. I knew that to keep walking was a bad idea so I looked for a good driveway and went halfway down a fairly long one. I had Missy sit and just held on to the pups leash focusing my attention on Missy. I tried keeping her calm but she was over threshold apparently two car lengths from Koda is not far enough. And it didn't help that I had no treats. I was done for I held on to Missy's leash kept it really short and tried keeping her level down out of her scale of reactivity 1-10 it was a 6. I will not go walking at 6:00 in the evening again with both of the dogs.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
So close, and Great
Okay so I've talked about Koda and for some reason Missy react worse with her than other dogs. Well yesterday I came so, so close to Missy not losing it when Koda and her owner walked by. When I saw Koda coming toward us on leash with her owner I pulled over to the side with Missy had her sit and got kneeled down so I would be at her level. I got my treats out (hotdogs) and kept telling her watch me treat she'd look away "watch me" treat and so on. She was doing pretty good but when Koda was pretty much beside us 3is feet away Missy lost it. I know once she hits that point there is no reason in trying to stop it so I got up and we walked away. This is the best she has done with Koda.
Another plus that day was my other neighbors dog happened to be out, contained by an electric fence. When we walked by yes Missy reacted, so I turned around to try again. But this time I got my treats out. I had Missy sit to where she could not see the dog I allowed her to look in it's direction then told her watch me, after doing this a few times we moved forward some this time she could see the dog and I continued doing this till we passed the dog. After we passed the dog that second time it was time to walk calmly passed the dog. I had Missy at a close heel and would allow her to look in the dogs direction while walking than would tell her "watch me" we got passed the dog without a problem!!!
Yes, there is more we ran into a third dog. I saw that another dog was coming and if I tried to walk past it me and Miss would be on a very narrow bridge bad idea. So I told her "let's go" I walked away and started looking for a place to get off the path to create distance. I did find a spot not ideal(as in I would have prefered to be farther away), but it would have to do. I tried keeping Missy's focus on me because looking at the dog for a certain amount of time builds up excitement and frustration in her and she goes off. So if I can't get her focus off the dog soon enough she will go off. It was a somewhat successful attempt. Why somewhat? Because for a little while I was able to keep her from going off but the closer the dog got to being in front of us the more challenging it was for Missy not to focus on the dog. When she did go off I was able to get her attention back. She did go off twice but both times I was able to refocus her attention back to me by saying "watch me" and "Hey Missy" in a sing song voice. Yes when you have a reactive dogs sometimes you will have to sound stupid to keep the dog chill.
I'm glad to say Missy is progressing in her training. Slowly yes, but hey at least it's progress.
Another plus that day was my other neighbors dog happened to be out, contained by an electric fence. When we walked by yes Missy reacted, so I turned around to try again. But this time I got my treats out. I had Missy sit to where she could not see the dog I allowed her to look in it's direction then told her watch me, after doing this a few times we moved forward some this time she could see the dog and I continued doing this till we passed the dog. After we passed the dog that second time it was time to walk calmly passed the dog. I had Missy at a close heel and would allow her to look in the dogs direction while walking than would tell her "watch me" we got passed the dog without a problem!!!
Yes, there is more we ran into a third dog. I saw that another dog was coming and if I tried to walk past it me and Miss would be on a very narrow bridge bad idea. So I told her "let's go" I walked away and started looking for a place to get off the path to create distance. I did find a spot not ideal(as in I would have prefered to be farther away), but it would have to do. I tried keeping Missy's focus on me because looking at the dog for a certain amount of time builds up excitement and frustration in her and she goes off. So if I can't get her focus off the dog soon enough she will go off. It was a somewhat successful attempt. Why somewhat? Because for a little while I was able to keep her from going off but the closer the dog got to being in front of us the more challenging it was for Missy not to focus on the dog. When she did go off I was able to get her attention back. She did go off twice but both times I was able to refocus her attention back to me by saying "watch me" and "Hey Missy" in a sing song voice. Yes when you have a reactive dogs sometimes you will have to sound stupid to keep the dog chill.
I'm glad to say Missy is progressing in her training. Slowly yes, but hey at least it's progress.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Small Breakthrough
So the past two weeks have been frustrating because Missy has been reacting pretty bad at Every dog we walked past and it is just embarrassing that the other persons dog calmly walks past my crazy dog. Well today Missy did NOT barley reacted to the dog we walked past today, plus the dog was only about an arm span away!! She didn't bark or lunge toward the dog, but I could tell she was one level below that. Hopefully this will be a more common occurrence, of course she could just go back up a level. I'm crossing my fingers that she does not go back up a level.
Monday, May 20, 2013
2 blog post in 1
Ignorant Owner But so Proud of Missy
So last week when I was walking I saw another dog coming toward us so lucky me there was a empty area for me to pull over to with Missy so she would be under threshold. Well it turned out I was not so lucky the freakin dog was Not on a leash. How did I figure this out? Missy was facing toward the creek and to my horror a dog a little bigger than Missy walks up behind her. Surprisingly both me and Missy keep our cool. At first Missy stayed facing the opposite way while calmly looking a the dog who was directly behind her. When I say directly behind her I mean if Missy had of taken a step back they would have been touching. When the unleashed dog took a step Missy flipped around. She wanted the say hi and so they did. The problem... Missy and the other dog wanted to play. Why you ask is this a problem? Think about it Missy is leash reactive because she is frustrated she can't say hi and play with other dogs. The leash restricted her playing because the dog would get out of her reach antagonizing her to play. Poor Missy was trying to do so, but couldn't because of the leash. This is where the problem started, Missy got frustrated and this started a chain reaction... Missy began to bark, so the unleashed dog began to bark, and the other dog barking got her worked up to where she was desperateness trying to get to the unleashed dog. After 3-5 minuets a child who I can only assume was one of the dogs owners told the dog to come, thankfully the dog listened. When we were clear of the dog I walked back onto the trail than jogged for a short bit to put a distance between us and the dog.
Embarrassed, Yes, Yes I am.
So today was Not a good day for Missy at all. While we were walking we ran into someone who had 2 dogs, yes 2. So one dog was on one side of the owner and the other on her opposite side. This meant that one of the dogs was way to close to Missy. Missy totally flipped, and slipped out of her gentle leader, reminding me of another reason why she also wears a halter. Just my luck a few minuets later we run into 2 dog owners that are together that had 5 dogs all together. I was thinking please someone save me. The other owners stopped and pulled there dogs to the side as much as they could, which wasn't much after they saw Missy was starting to act up. When we got pretty close to them once again Missy totally flipped out and slipped out of her gentle leader? Missy has not reacted this badly(not including Koda) for about 1 month maybe two. I was disappointed but understand that it was because there was multiple dogs.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Pretty Good Walk
I went to walk past a gate that allows a neighborhood access to the trail and I heard a dog bark. I took a closer look and there was an owner standing there with his dog, they were blocked by trees and bushes. Missy became alert so I turned around and walked the other way because I wasn't sure how much leash the dog had and how close it was to the trial. After walking in the other direction for three minuets I turned back around trying to come up with a plan on getting by. Than a women ran by "that's it" I thought. Me and Missy would run pass. I got Missy at a close hill on my Left side(the dog was to my right) and ran past. Missy knew the dog was there, but she didn't even glance it's way. Happy dance. Of course my girl got lots of praise. We also ran into a Labrador jogging with his owner, same procedure close heal and keep her from fixating on the dog. Her reaction was way below than normally All she did was lunge Once that's All! I was so happy. We ran into the same dog on our way back her reaction was just a notch worse she lunged and I guess you would call it a bark, but it was really quiet. I'm so happy and proud of her for so much improvement. Go Missy!!
I am probably bringing Missy to Woofstock, a dog event help at Suwanee Town Center in Georgia. There will be a ton of dogs there. I'm hoping this won't be a mistake. I will stay away from the crowd if she is showing signs of being stressed, but I'm hoping she'll like it or at least not bark and flip out. I've been going since it started and this will be Missy's 2nd time coming. The first time she got a rabies shot(it was free) and left. My friend may be bringing her Boxer Lily who is Missy's friend. Crossing my fingers all goes well on Saturday.
Monday, April 29, 2013
1 out of 4
Today's walk was better than my previous ones. I ran into 4 dogs today. I've decided to take note of the size, breed(if possible), and the dogs behavior that Missy reacts to and the ones she doesn't. Okay so the first one was a medium size dog 30-40 pounds so around Missy's size. The owner had the dog sit as we were passing them. The dog was calm, no eye contact with Missy, pretty much ignored her. We were on a small bridge so I could have touched the dog Missy did pull toward it wanting to say hi, but did not bark. So pretty much what a normal dog would do when seeing another dog. No reaction :) The second dog was a small dog Shih-tzu(I think) 10-15 pounds. It was a loud a lot of lead. About an arms length from me. (Remember Missy is always on the side the dog isn't, so if the dog is to my right Missy will be on my left. This dog was not trying to go to Missy just happily walking by. Reaction. :( The third dog was large maybe 50-60 pounds. It had some leash, but not as much as the Shih-tzu so about two arms length away. the dog took notice to Missy, but did not try and go toward her. Reaction :( And finally the fourth dog was a Beagle straining against his leash to say hi to Missy. Reaction :( I'm going to say it was a pretty good walk just because she only was pulling toward the first dog not barking and trying to twist around once we were past.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Gone downhill some
Well you know how I had gotten Missy past 3 dogs 2 weeks ago without a problem well last week didn't go so well. I couldn't get Missy to take any treats. As we were approaching the dog Missy showed arousal ears forward tail high like this pic. She didn't react(park and pull to the dog) toward the dog until we were beside them. I stay as far away as I can which isn't much because the path is the size of a sidewalk or two. This reaction is a lot less worse than it used to be, but I'm sad that for some reason she stopped taking treats. But for some reason she still has a Horrible reaction when we walk past my neighbor walking his dog Koda, I can't get her attention even though I stay in the grass on the other side of the road. What to do??

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Moved over
Okay so now I have moved all my post from wordpress to here. I hope that someone who has a reactive dog or is just having trouble with there dog that this blog will help, inspire. Please feel free to leave comments.
Training is going great
I’ve been taking Missy on the Suwanee trail for the past week because it’s an opportunity to walk past other dogs. Well twice now I have gotten that opportunity. The first time I had cheese as a treat, which I now know is not a high value treat for Missy because she didn’t care to take it as we were walking past the dog. But she only barked once and pulled toward the dog I said “let’s go immediately and picked up my pace a bit and she came without barking or pulling toward the other dog. The second time was AMAZING! I had hot dogs for treats(high value treat) I started giving them to her once we started walking past the dog so Missy could see the dog and Missy did not react at all, even when the other dog lunged at her. Missy didn’t even glance at the other dog she just ate her yummy treats. Once the other dog was past I gave Missy tones and tones of praise. I can’t wait for my mom to see her walk past another dog, than she’ll see how I’m training her is working and Maybe just Maybe this will convince her Missy can behave in public, which = coming to waterfalls with the family this summer!
On the down side for some reason Missy has a terrible reaction to my neighbors dog Koda when we walk past them while they are out walking. Missy does not react as badly to any other dog like she does with Koda.
Also I finally found out what my other neighbors black and brown(Coppers brother) dog’s name is it is Princeton. I was calling him Scrapy, but now I’ll call him by his name.
From April 10, 2013
So Missy has hung out with Copper and his brother off leash in my back yard. Only once did Copper play with Missy, his brother won’t play with her. I think Missy is to hyper for them she’ll run toward them at full speed than sharply turn before she gets to him. Copper enjoys me petting him and he’ll play with Missy for a short time. I would like to take Missy to a dog park(when it’s empty) and meet up with my friend and her hyperactive Boxer, Lily. I think Missy and Lily would be a good match because they are both high energy but Missy is 35 pounds 7 years(but acts like a puppy) and Lily is 50 pound 1 year.
I was so happy about Missy meeting the brothers and her passing Koda with out a total reaction(she sometimes starts reacting but when I pull up on her gentle leader she stops) than I took her on the Suwanee trail and realized I still have a lot of work to do. She would have a full reaction every time we walked past a dog, which was a lot. I was thankful for her harness and gentle leader because they aloud me to keep her walking forward, she would try to flip around to get to the dog. My arm hurt pretty bad after that walk from keeping her away from other dogs. I also noticed my heart started racing every time a dog came by and my hands would shake. So my plan for working on this is going on walks on the Suwanee Trail every day with my treats. Oh and I’m making some sweet potatoes treats. I’m going to put them on the lowest setting my oven goes to and cook them for 4-8 hrs.
From March 27, 2013
Met Another Dog
Finally Missy has meet Copper, the trouble maker. He came running down my neighbors hill and Missy did start to spaz out, but I told her to sit she looked at me and I gave her a treat than she was totally chill. I squatted down so I would be on Copper level and tossed him some treats. He was comfortable smelling Missy, but he was jumpy when Missy tried to smell him after some coaxing with treats he felt comfortable and allowed Missy to smell him. I was so proud of Missy she was so chill about it and to up the Challenge Koda was on the hill in her yard barking(jealous that she couldn't say hi. Also Copper mounted Missy while she was sitting and all she did was jump around to where she was facing him, no bark or nip just a “what the heck are you doing look” Copper walked with us most of the way and Missy really didn't seem interested in Copper he might as well not have been there. It might be because the two or three times she barked than play bowed he ran so she was like “fine if you don’t want to play I don’t want to hang with you”. She pretty much ignored the three other dogs she has meet them(Weird) Maybe if I let her off in a fenced in play with my friends boxer(Tigerlily) She’ll play than. Just maybe it has to do with her being on leash. I’ll post some pic later.
From March 10, 2013
From March 10, 2013
I'm so Freakin Happy
I was in my front yard today working on trying to work on Missy’s new trick, but she would not pay attention to me. I look in the direction she is and realize that Copper’s brother is in the yard. I was proud of Missy for not taking off after him I grabbed her collar and put on her leash. I was going to just take Missy inside but I decided to try and get Missy to greet Copper brother. My little brother(10) helped out by petting Copper and for some reason Missy stopped barking when he did. I stayed a good four arm lengths away having Missy “Watch me” Once Missy seemed to have chilled out I brought her closer(She was an arms length from Copper). If she barked I did “let’s go.” I got down on my knees and tossed Copper’s brother treat. (Copper’s brother is a very nervous boy so I used the treats to help him see that I was nice) I was also giving Missy treats. Missy was calm so I had C’s bro. to come to me and I pet him he went over to Missy and smelled her when she had her back turned when Missy went to smell him he jumped away. Missy was getting very frustrated because he wouldn't let her smell him. I could tell because she was whining than would bark and than charge(When she barked I do “let’s go”) Just my luck Copper came over on the other side of the street and made himself known by barking thankfully he shut up. I walked Missy away C’s bro followed. Missy wasn't even trying to get to him she was just walking. Finally Copper allowed her to smell him. Both of them did a play bow and Missy was bouncing to and from one, but Copper wasn't interested. He ended up going home when he’s brother came into the yard I than went inside.
Of course Missy got lot’s of treats and praise I was so proud of her. After this experience I believe her barking at dogs is out of frustration of wanting to meet them and her charging like she does is because she doesn’t no how to greet them properly or she too excited. Maybe just maybe this experience will help her reactivity. I hope to do the same thing with Copper.
From February 26,2013
The other day I went to a park to get pictures for my photography class, because it was Sunday and cold I figured it wouldn't be busy so I brought Missy. I get there and there are tons of dogs. Two dogs got maybe three arms lengths from us and Missy flipped out worse than she ever has. My mom had the leash because I was trying to take pictures. She wouldn't let me have the leash so I couldn't walk away from the dog right when she started reacting like I have been. She did eventually gave me the leash and I had to drag Missy away. After Missy calmed down my mom was mad she said I would never get her to behave that my way of training isn't going to work. She said she needs to be hit every time she reacts to dogs:( It would be nice if she supported me with Missy’s training. She is the one person in my family I expected to be on my side to support how I train Missy. It hurts that she said my way of training doesn't work. She doesn't realize I have made progress Missy can walk pass Koda with me on using let’s go once or twice before I had to do it about 10 times before I could walk past. I know it’s not a lot of progress but it is some.
On another note I am getting Missy Bachs Rescue Remedy to help her be easier to control around dogs.
February 18, 2013
Success Second Day in a Row
Today was harder than yesterday to get past Koda, but we did it. Today was harder because instead of lying down like she did yesterday Koda was standing up straining against her chain and barked a few times(not excessively) so I had to use “lets go”(changing direction we’re walking) a lot. The last time we went to walk past Koda(success walk) Missy was high strung(alert) she began to react in the middle of the “Koda area) I just pulled up(gently) on her gentle leader and she stopped flipping out and I was able to walk past “the Koda area” without another flip out just a few reminders not to stare at Koda.
Okay so this is what I’m doing
I place myself to where Missy is on one side walking and Koda is on the other side in her yard. The street is separating us from the yard.
When Missy looks at Koda I use her gentle leader to turn her head straight.
If she starts to react I say “let’s go” and walk the other direction unless I’m able to use the gentle leader to stop the reaction. Off course if it’s a full blown reaction I just say let’s go there is no use in trying to stop it.
When using “let’s go” I continue walking the opposite direction until Missy is under threshold(calm) than I will try walking past Koda again.
Most importantly once we have successfully walk past Koda Missy gets lots of praise and treats.
Remember Stay Positive
From February 4, 2013
"Let's Go" Magic
Yesterday I was out of treats. I ended up saying “let’s go and turning back to the direction I came whenever Missy began to react. I did this three times, the third time she walked cooperatively past Koda. I would use her gentle leader to move her head straight when she looked at Koda. I was really happy and can’t wait to try this again to see if it will once again work.
From February 3, 2013
From February 3, 2013
Copper(who I wrote about in a previous post “Tagalong Dog”) is still following me. I can’t work on Missy stopping reacting to Koda(my neighbors Husky) because of him. Missy is barking like crazy and pulling toward him, flipping because she can’t get to him. Copper is taunting her
Copper “Haha you can’t get me”
I don’t know what to do. Why can’t my Coppers owner realize there Is a leash law and it doesn't disclude her! Having a reactive dog is so frustrating and hard especially with people like Coppers owner.
From January 31, 2013
Back to Business
Today was mine and Missy’s first walk in 5 weeks. We were both really happy to get out of the house and get fresh air. I got lucky on the beginning of my walk because Koda, my neighbors dog wasn't outside like usual. I had her “watch me” when she looked at the place where Koda usually is. When she looked at Koda’s usual spot and looked away on her on I treated her. On my way back there was a dog in it’s house behind a glass door barking I told Missy let’s go and she followed without a fuss, she only showed that she was aware that the dog was there. When we walked pass Koda’s house again to get back home she was there and I was not prepared so Missy went into a full blown reaction. Shame on me.
It won’t happen again.
Have a good evening everyone.
From January 29, 2013
Almost Free
I get my cast off in five days and get a boot on, which means I can start working on Missy’s re-activity toward dogs again. Horay! Both me and Missy are happy that we will be going on walks again, neither of us likes sitting around the house. Oh and update on Missy’s handstand it has gotten better as in she can get up higher, but isn’t quite there.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
From January 19, 2013
I had surgery on my foot yesterday so I’m stuck in bed for three days. I will have a cast on for three weeks, then a boot on for three weeks. I will not be working with Missy around dogs during this time, but I will continue to work on her “watch me” perfect her “close heel’(once I get my boot on) and I will keep working on her tricks. I hope everyone and their dogs had a great Christmas.
From December 27, 2012
From December 27, 2012
Ups and Downs
I’ve been working on Missy’s close heel and “watch me” for a week know her close heel is great, but I’m still trying to improve her “watch me” Of course with the ups come downs I feel discouraged because Missy’s reactions aren't improving, though I believe that she would be improving if people would learn what a leash is or a fence for their yard. I’m going to stick with the plan and hopefully see improvements soon.
From December 20, 2012
From December 20, 2012
New Plan
Yesterday while walking on my trial, which I thought was safe from dogs a Corgi puppy came to us, no owner, no leash. Missy went nuts, barking and lunging. The puppy just wanted to play and would run toward Missy than when he got too close for Missy she would lung and the pup would run away. For ten minutes this pup tried to come over to me and Missy before its owner came over. By than my hand was blue from no circulation from Missy pulling so much.
Okay now for the new plan. For this week and maybe next week I’m working on “close heel”, “watch me” and I’m re intruding her to the gentle leader. This new plan will help Missy be calm, focused and under control. No more lunging, ignoring me, and red hands, well at least not as much as before. 
From December 13, 2012
One Step Forward, Two Steps back
So I’m having a few minor problems with working on Missy’s reactivity. First is her anticipating Koda, my next door neighbors dog being outside on her chain, which makes it hard to get her to realize that I have food for her. Second is that she walks with her front legs in front of me trying to pull toward Koda, once again making it hard for me to let her know I have food. I’m asking someone what I can do and she’ll hopefully have some ideas if not I’ll just keep trying different things.
From December 7, 2012
From December 7, 2012
hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I did.
Went on a run today with Missy. When coming back my next door neighbors dog Koda, who Missy about always reacts to was out on her chain. I had Missy “watch me” when I saw her focusing on Koda or crouching down trying to pull to her, if Missy didn't “watch me” I would say “let’s go” and walk the opposite way until she focused ahead, then I did the same thing till I reached the top of the road. After that I kept her by my side and fed her continues treats for not looking at her, if she did I would make kissy noises or say her name than click when she looked away. I’m so proud of Missy for not getting to a full blown reaction, sure there was some pulling and a little whining, but it’s progress.
From November 27, 2012
Baby Steps
I was on the top part of my trail when a dog came out onto the road. Missy started barking and pulling toward it, but when I said watch me she sat down and looked at me. *Cheers* Every time she looked away I clicked and treated. Yes, she did react, but I still existed to her so she listened. After the owner got his dog Missy was wired so I sat down, had her lay and I did some T-touch and massage on her to help her calm down. Than came the second challenge getting past my neighbors dogs. Luckily they weren’t out so I just worked on her Not staring at the house were the dogs live, she did good. After that I was doing a trick session in the yard and I noticed Copper(dog) was in my yard. I decided to continue training, Missy didn’t even notice him. *Cheers*
From November 21, 2012
From November 21, 2012
Need a new Plan
So I’ve been clicking and treating whenever Missy looks away from a dog(her choice) or looks at me when I say “watch me”. Well I've been doing this for at least two months maybe more and Missy doesn't seem to be making any more progress. Yes, I did see some at first, but I haven’t seen her improve anymore. Time to get back to the drawing bored. Enjoy your Tuesday night.
Tagalong Dog
A dog(Copper) started following me about 2 weeks ago only for 1 minute or 2. Missy barks at him, I keep walking forward saying let’s go when she turns around I click and treat if she looks at me click and treat, while she is pulling toward Copper and/or barking I just keep saying let’s go. Copper usually just follows while Missy is doing this sometimes he barks too. I’ve noticed when Missy stops barking he comes closer and makes a soft whine. And he only follows for a little bit(seems like forever though) than gives up on getting to say hi to Missy. I’m hoping to start seeing Missy calm down around him. If anyone has suggestions please let me know.
From October 29, 2012
From October 29, 2012
Meet me and Missy
I've started this blog to keep track of my ups and downs of getting past Missy's reactivity toward dogs, I also hope this blog will help others with there reactive dogs. I previously had this blog on wordpress, but I've decided to move it here because I feel it is easier for people to follow it will be able to reach more people.
About me: I'm 19 and I got interested in training when I got Missy, I was 12 at the time. I'm a very outdoorsy person so I love going to places with Missy. I'm shy when it comes to people I don't know, but with people I do no I very talkative and outgoing.
About Missy: Missy is a sensitive dog and she is a bit of a velcro dog. Missy follows me around the house, if I leave a room she does to. Missy is also hyper, but thankfully she has an off button. She is intelligent and playful. She knows 70 tricks.
I've started this blog to keep track of my ups and downs of getting past Missy's reactivity toward dogs, I also hope this blog will help others with there reactive dogs. I previously had this blog on wordpress, but I've decided to move it here because I feel it is easier for people to follow it will be able to reach more people.
About me: I'm 19 and I got interested in training when I got Missy, I was 12 at the time. I'm a very outdoorsy person so I love going to places with Missy. I'm shy when it comes to people I don't know, but with people I do no I very talkative and outgoing.
About Missy: Missy is a sensitive dog and she is a bit of a velcro dog. Missy follows me around the house, if I leave a room she does to. Missy is also hyper, but thankfully she has an off button. She is intelligent and playful. She knows 70 tricks.
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